Tableau Schedule Automation

The process of backup/restore in Tableau requires disabling all the schedules prior to the backup and enabling the same once after the backup is complete. This is to ensure that restoring of those backup will not trigger any schedules in the restored environment(DR) which sends false notification to the users.

The scripts to enable and disable schedules are bundled with MetaMiner Installation in the below location.

Script path : \Program Files\Infolytik\MetaMiner\server\samples

MetaMiner Tableau Architecture

Script details

These scripts are written in Powershell which invoke the rest calls to the Tableau server via MetaMiner

  • The disable schedules script can be called either interactively or via task scheduler before the backup script to disable all the schedules in the Production environment

  • Once the backup process is complete, the enable schedules script can be called either interactively or via task scheduler to enable all the schedules in the Production environment

  • Once the backup is restored into a DR environment, the schedules will be in disabled state and on the scenario of making the DR environment live, the enable schedules script can called to enable all the schedules in the DR environment

  • For a complete automation scenario, the enable schedules and disable schedules scripts should be included in the actual backup script and called accordingly(disable schedules - at the beginning of backup script , enable schedules - at end of backup script) to ensure the flawless automated completion of the backup/restore workflow