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Installing comparepdfcmd

Installation package of comparepdfcmd is supplied inside the MMTE Server installer. It is not installed automatically, because it needs an additional third-party license.

This tool is required for comparing output of workbooks conversion to PDF in Workbook Validation.

  1. Locate the comparepdfcmd installation directory: <METAMINER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY>\server\comparepdfcmd\
  2. Open this directory in a terminal (console, command prompt).
  3. In this directory, run the CLI executable cid.exe

    It will output a unique identifier, for example 581D0D3E690329F5B166BBA4ECC2A27B6

  4. Send a request to Infolytik Support about your need to activate comparepdfcmd, mentioning the version of MetaMiner you have and the ID from the previous step.

  5. Wait for the answer.

  6. Perform the remaining steps which will be described in this answer.
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