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View Alert History

The View Alert History command is used for viewing the action log of the selected alert in the Alerts tab (when the alert was modified, run, etc).

To run this command, select an alert, right-click it, and choose View Alert History from the context menu.


Only one alert can be selected at a time.

The Alert History dialog window opens:

Alert History

This dialog window consists of a Toolbar and a Content Area.


The alert history toolbar contains:

  • Row count: how many actions are collected for this alert
  • Export to CSV button
  • Quick Search control

When you click the icon export icon, the Export Shown Items to CSV dialog opens. Choose the filename and location of the file for export. By default, filename is alert_history_export.csv. When the file is created and downloaded, MMTE Client opens the default application associated with the .csv file extension to show the file content:

Alert History Exported

Example file:

Alert history for: 'Test alert schedule MMDB'
Local timezone: Pacific Standard Time

CMS Environment,Alert Name,Action Type,Action On,Action ended,Duration,Action By,Emails,Phones,
Global,Test alert schedule MMDB,Modified,7/12/21 7:47:02 PM,,0,gogi,[email protected],,
Global,Test alert schedule MMDB,Fired,7/12/21 7:46:44 PM,,0,SYSTEM,[email protected],,
Global,Test alert schedule MMDB,Fired,7/12/21 7:46:00 PM,,0,SYSTEM,[email protected],,
Global,Test alert schedule MMDB,Fired,7/12/21 7:44:00 PM,,0,SYSTEM,[email protected],,
Global,Test alert schedule MMDB,Fired,7/12/21 7:42:00 PM,,0,SYSTEM,[email protected],,
Global,Test alert schedule MMDB,Fired,7/12/21 7:40:00 PM,,0,SYSTEM,[email protected],,
Global,Test alert schedule MMDB,Fired,7/12/21 7:38:01 PM,,0,SYSTEM,[email protected],,
Global,Test alert schedule MMDB,Fired,7/12/21 7:36:01 PM,,0,SYSTEM,[email protected],,
Global,Test alert schedule MMDB,Fired,7/12/21 7:34:00 PM,,0,SYSTEM,[email protected],,
Global,Test alert schedule MMDB,Fired,7/12/21 7:32:00 PM,,0,SYSTEM,[email protected],,
Global,Test alert schedule MMDB,Fired,7/12/21 7:30:01 PM,,0,SYSTEM,[email protected],,

The first row of the resulting CSV contains the alert name:

The second row contains the timezone for the date-time stamps in the resulting data.

The third row is empty.

The fourth row contains the data table headers.

The rest of the rows contain the resulting data (the same that is displayed in the content area)

Content Area

All changes (actions) made to the alert are displayed as a table with the following columns:

Column name Description
Environment The name of the Tableau environment where this alert applies to, or Global.
Alert Name What was written in the New/Modify Alert dialog window
Action Type What was made to the alert: created, modified, fired, so on.
Action On Date and time of the beginning of the action.
Action ended Date and time
Action By MMTE user account name, or SYSTEM.
Emails Email address(es) set
Phones Phone number(s) set
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