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MMA Settings – Advanced

Advanced settings in MMTE Administrator allow you to configure database connectivity and some more advanced functionality of MMTE.

To open Advanced settings:

  1. Open MMTE Administrator.
  2. Choose Preferences – Settings from the main menu.
  3. Choose Advanced category.

Remap Universe Options

Not applicable to Tableau Edition, please ignore.

File Watcher

Not applicable to Tableau Edition, please ignore.

MetaMiner Database

Setting Type Default value Description
Drop Tableau schema on next MM Server restart Checkbox/Boolean False If set, MMTE Server will drop all content in the Tableau schema in MMDB on next restart. You cannot undo this change!
Truncate BO audit data from MetaMiner DB on next MM Server restart Checkbox/Boolean False Not applicable to Tableau edition.
Truncate Webi BI4 metadata from MetaMiner DB on next MM Server restart Checkbox/Boolean False Not applicable to Tableau edition.
Force security metadata Update to MetaMiner DB on next MM Server restart Checkbox/Boolean False Not applicable to Tableau edition.

MetaMiner DB Configuration – Postgres (embedded) Only

Setting Type Default value Description
Allow to edit PG embedded port Checkbox/Boolean False By default, the embedded PostgreSQL runs on TCP/IP port 49614 which cannot be changed. If you set this checkbox, you will be able to specify this value in the MMDB config section.


Setting Type Default value Description
InfluxDB Enabled Checkbox/Boolean True If set, embedded InfluxDB will run together with MMTE Server. InfluxDB is required for Pulse (embedded Grafana).


Setting Type Default value Description
Log CMSDB Queries Checkbox/Boolean False Not applicable to Tableau Edition.
Use PG Non-validating SSL Factory Checkbox/Boolean True If set, SSL certificate will not be checked while establishing an encrypted connection to PostgreSQL RDBMS (not recommended).
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